So Schluss mit dem ganzen Grau- und Schwarztönen, die uns im Winter ständig begleitet haben. Es wird Zeit für eine Farbrevolution! Selbst wenn der Frühling noch nicht selbstsicher die grauen Wolken verdrängt, bringen Farb-Flashes und Colour-Looks erste Frühlingsgefühle und Sommerlaune! Und welche Farbe steht mehr für Frühling als ein leuchtendes, sattes Grün. Kommentar von meinem Freund zum Colour-Kleid: „Das ist wirklich arg Grün, so richtig Grün.“. Ganz genau ein richtiges Hallo-Frühling-ich-bin-hier-und-wo-bist-du – Grün! Mein Outfit soll den Frühling nicht nur feiern, es soll den Frühlings herauslocken. :)
So an end to all these gray- and blacktones, that accompanied us through the winter. It is time for a color revolution! Even if the spring is not confidently ousted the gray clouds, icolor Flashes and Colour look brings first spring feeling and summer mood! And which color stands more for spring, as a shining, bright green. Comment from my friend: "This is really bad green, really green.". Exactly a real Hi-spring-I-am-here-and-where-are-you - Green! My outfit is not only to celebrate spring, it is to draw out the spring. :)
OOTD \\ Velvet Pre-Spring with Overknees
24. März 2016
Actually I wanna wear a fluttering dress with lace-up ballerinas and filigree jewelry. But unlike me, the weather has not so a sunny spring fever as I and so I had to choose instead a rather darker look. Since I look thanks to my trend reports through all the autumn/winter 2016 fashion shows, I show you today another Styling with my beloved Overknees Boots. But instead wearing it classical with a dress, today with the trend Pieces for the upcoming fall season high-waist jeans, turtleneck and velvet blazer.
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Editorial Run \\ Fashion Models meet Art
21. März 2016
Magazine: Harper’s Bazaar US (April 2016 issue)
Models: Anna Ewers, Liya Kebede, Christy Turlington and Linda Evangelista
Artist: Francesco Clemente
Photographer: Jason Schmidt
OOTD \\ How to find the perfect Overknees?
3. März 2016
Overknees sind aktuell der Schuhtrend für die noch kalten Monate. Die hohen Stiefel von Stuart Weitzman werden von Topmodels wie Kendall Jenner, als auch von It-Girls wie Olivia Palermo getragen.Meine Liebe zu den Boots kam erst auf den zweiten Blick. Wie viele assoziierte ich die hohen Stiefel eher mit Pretty Woman statt mit Pret-a-Porter. So trug ich zwar immer schon gerne Overknees Strümpfe in jeglichen Farbvariationen, aber Stiefel waren dann doch too much. Doch dann veränderte der Film „Der Teufel trägt Prada“ meine Sichtweise. Ich glaube jeder wollte damals diese schwarzen Chanel Stiefel haben. Leider war jedoch nicht nur meine Budget sonder vor allem die Auswahl kleiner wie heute. Nach langer Suche kaufte ich 2010 meine ersten Overknees, diese endeten knapp über dem Knie, schwarzes Leder und 7cm Absatz. Leider saßen die Stiefel durch den Schnitt und das etwas dickere Leder nicht eng an den Beinen.Daher entschied ich mich 2015 ein weiteres Paar zu kaufen. Dieses Mal mit höherem Schaft, höherem Absatz und aus einem weichen, anliegenden Velourleder-Material mit Stretch-Anteil. Für mich sind es die perfekten Overknees-Stiefel, weil Sie zu mir und meiner Figur passen.
At the moment Overknees are the shoe trend for the still cold months. The high boots by Stuart Weitzman are worn by top models like Kendall Jenner, as well as by It-girls like Olivia Palermo.My love for the boat came only at a second glance. Like many, I associated the high boots rather with Pretty Woman instead of Pret-a-Porter. At that time I already liked Overknees socks in every color variations, but boots were too much. But with the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" my opinion changed. I think everyone wanted this black Chanel boots. Unfortunately, at that time not just my budget but also the selection smaller than today. After a long search, I bought my first Overknees in 2010, this ended just above the knee, black leather and 7cm heel. Unfortunately, the boots were because of the cut and the slightly thicker leather not tight on the legs.So I decided in 2015 to buy another pair. This time with higher shaft, higher heels and made of a soft, suede-fitting material with stretch. For me it is the perfect overknees boots, because it you suit me and my character.
At the moment Overknees are the shoe trend for the still cold months. The high boots by Stuart Weitzman are worn by top models like Kendall Jenner, as well as by It-girls like Olivia Palermo.My love for the boat came only at a second glance. Like many, I associated the high boots rather with Pretty Woman instead of Pret-a-Porter. At that time I already liked Overknees socks in every color variations, but boots were too much. But with the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" my opinion changed. I think everyone wanted this black Chanel boots. Unfortunately, at that time not just my budget but also the selection smaller than today. After a long search, I bought my first Overknees in 2010, this ended just above the knee, black leather and 7cm heel. Unfortunately, the boots were because of the cut and the slightly thicker leather not tight on the legs.So I decided in 2015 to buy another pair. This time with higher shaft, higher heels and made of a soft, suede-fitting material with stretch. For me it is the perfect overknees boots, because it you suit me and my character.
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